What are Zombie Programmers

We have always been here.

Sure, you know zombies as the traditional enemy of the humans in blockbuster television shows or movies.  But a Zombie Programmer is something different.

Zombie programmers are programmers who can focus on a given task with absolute clarity. They live for being “in the zone”, able to work without distraction on a task at hand.  Outside observers may wander by a zombie programmer working and wonder if they should disturb them or not, because they are so intent at working on their task at hand.

If you could suddenly make the computer monitor or laptop invisible to anyone but the zombie, you’ll notice that we are staring intently at our work.  It drives us and helps us produce top quality results, but we do look like zombies, with an intent focus that may frighten people.

You can compare this to other workers at your office who you can tell are just looking to be distracted.  They glance up every time someone walks by.  They yearn for an opportunity to chat about the game last night.  They keep looking out the window at cars as they drive in and out of the parking lot.

Zombie Programmers love their work, and they love to focus on creating something perfect for someone.  They live for the moment when they are deeply involved in developing a solution that not only works, but works well.

And really, isn’t that the kind of person you want working for you?  And the kind of programmer you yearn to be?